Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Where is the line (with you?)

Somewhere there is a line
Between light and dark,
Today and tomorrow,
Then and now,
This and That.

Where is the line (with you?)

From here it is gradations of greys,
Blushes of purple and peach,
A slight smile of sun left
Sliding sweetly away
Over the horizon.

Where is the line (with you?)

Shifting and inconsistent,
We sigh to distinguish
As if there were a category
To place all our memories,
To hold ether, (or).

Where is the line (with you?)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What is The Blue Triangle Society?

The Blue Triangle Society is dedicated to the understanding of time and space through its visible and tactile manifestations.

The Blue Triangle Society is not just a design label, it is a philosophy for living in the world. The Blue Triangle Society is a place for like-minded people to gather and wonder.

The Blue Triangle stands for slow, thoughtful design that engages with the body in space and interprets design as much as a process as a product. Our aim is to make time visible and space manifest.

The Blue Triangle is.